kellybird.ART blog
Design to Inspire

Coco Chanel: The Journey from Obscurity to Icon through Authenticity
In a world where hype often overshadows substance, the story of Coco Chanel stands as a testament to the enduring power of authenticity. Her journey from a modest upbringing to becoming one of the most influential fashion designers of the 20th century was paved with innovation, authenticity, and a profound understanding of women's desires.

Billionaire David Friedberg speaks capitalism
Billionaire David Friedberg, CEO of The Production Board, appeared on BBC’s HARDtalk with Stephen Sackur to discuss the future of humanity and the role of capitalism. As someone who has thrived in the capitalist system, it's no surprise that Friedberg advocates for its merits. With Sackur, speaking on behalf of the underprivileged and challenges the inequalities inherent in capitalism.

Evolution of Ideas
As a young individual learning about evolution, I thought about a time when we looked like monkeys covered in hair. It fascinated me to consider how, over millennia, we had gradually evolved to have little to no hair on our bodies. I envisioned a time, thousands of years from now, when humans might become completely hairless. I started to contemplate time, how long would it take for us to evolve? Would we gradually and unnoticeably become more hairless until all hair was gone?

A Brief History of Art and Graphic Design
Art and graphic design has evolved throughout history and represents a visual account of changing cultural, social, and technological progression. Each new generation adds their stamp onto history through artistic expression, political and social movements and igniting revolutionary change.

Why Did Humans Evolve the ability to draw?
While early humans were still mastering the use of fire, they were mastering the art of drawing. Some of these prehistoric paintings were created using advanced drawing skills like perspective, shading, outline, and movement.